“Publicity’s Misinformation Problem” Res Publica 2/2024
Review of Democracy for Busy People by Kevin J. Elliott (2023) in New Political Science 4/2024
“Finding a Usable Past: Student-Directed Historical Accountability” co-authored with Myranda Fuentes. 2023. Transforming the Authority of the Archive: Undergraduate Pedagogy and Critical Digital Archives, ed. Charlotte Nunes and Andi Gustavson. Lever Press & Fulcrum
Under Review
“Defining and Defending Approximate Compliance” (Job Market Paper)
“Qualifying Unqualified Reservations: Method in Neoreactionary Thought”
“Quantifying Compliance: Measuring Political Obligation Using Public Opinion,” with Lauren Van De Hey
In Preparation
“Political Obligation as Common Ground ” with Rachel Todd Gambee (requested for inclusion in special issue)
“Publicity and Electoral College Reform” (APSA 2024, PPE 2024)
Dissertation: Bringing the State Back Into Political Obligation
In this dissertation, I rely on advances in legal theory and empirical political science to expand the discussion on political obligation. Topics discussed include approximate legal compliance and federalism.